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The timestamp (TS) refers to the record verified by the TSP with the electronic signature to determine when an electronic data is generated, modified, sent, received and/or recorded. Its purpose is proof of time.

The signature timestamp used in the signature specifies the signature creation date and it is mandatory for long-term digital signatures. For this reason, the applications that create a signature with a timestamp (at least ES-T) must check the timestamp validity during the signing process. These checks should include not only the validity controls of the timestamp token but also the validity controls of the timestamp certificate that signed the token. This process is called the timestamp validation process.

The timestamp validation process basically involves the following steps:

  • The signature of the timestamp token is validated.
  • The timestamp certificate is validated.
  • The hash value that is sent to the timestamp server and the hash value in the timestamp token received from the timestamp server is compared.

This section describes the access information and positive and negative test scenarios of the timestamp servers created for Test Suite. The purpose is that the signature creation application developers and users can test the compliance of timestamp validation mechanisms with the international standards using this test package.

Timestamping Tests

The certificates of timestamp servers used in the tests and the specifications of the timestamp tokens produced by the servers are given in the table below. In order to perform the timestamp preliminary controls, the timestamp server settings in the table are set in the application then it is attempted to create a signature. If there is an error on the timestamp server, it is expected that the signature creation fails and the error is reported to the user.

Revocation controls of the timestamp server certificates shall be made through Certificate Revocation Lists issued by the TSP root certificate which is the issuer of the timestamp server certificate.

Note: For all test timestamp servers, the username is “1” and the password is “12345678”.

TS CertificateAccess Information of TS TS Specification
TSA2.crt Token’s Signature Forged
TSA3.crt TS Certificate
TSA4.crt Certificate’s Signature Forged
TSA5.crt TS Certificate
TSB.crt TS Root Certificate’s Signature Forged
TSC2.crt CRL used for TS Certificate Revocation Check
TSC3.crt of CRL, used for TS Certificate Revocation Check, Forged
TSD.crt (EC384 signing key)
en/zaman_damgası.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/05 08:55